Title: Hell Junior High- Where the meals are free if you're a cannibal(which reminds me, I forgot to put in
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hell_jhs.zip
Size: 656.69 KB
Date: 04/29/11
Author: Joseph McDavid
Description: (Skip this) ==============HELL JHS============= This is the most violent school you'll ever see! Includes a gun store across the street. ==============Story================ Single player:You were walking to school one day, when suddenly your friends start dissapearing around you! You look at your hands to see them fading away. When you arrive at school, your whole body has been transported to another dimension. One of your friends lies dead in front of you. You pick up a pistol he must have found and notice the guys who killed him. Better pick up the shotgun he dropped fast... Multiplayer Co-op:Looking behind you,you see some of your friends are still alive, and they found pistols, too. Multiplayer Deathmatch:After discovering you were in (with -nomonsters) Hell, you decided to kill everything you saw. Strangly, everyone was calling you "the new kid." But you and your buddies have overtaken this hellish school now, and the teachers and students of Hell J.H.S. are all dead. You were about to leave when you realized the truth: You're dead, and you can't leave. Since you're all already dead you see no harm in killing each other to pass the time. =========================== ===DON'T SKIP THIS!!!!!!=== =========================== Here's a list of what certain things represent.

Trooper: Just an average student

Sargeant: An above average student Chaingun Sargeant: Owns the gun store Imp: A guidance counsler Lost Souls: Cheerleaders SS Nazi: Security guards Demon: A "nice" teacher Spectre: A hall monitor

Baron of Hell: One of the principals

Cacodemon: A very mean teacher

Cyberdemon:The Head Principal Spiderdemon: The Principal's Pet Spider Arachnotron: The Principal's Spider's Child Mancubus: A rather fat teacher Hell Knight: Another very mean teacher Revenant: Yet another very mean teacher Archvile: The Nurse Pain Elemental: Leader of the Cheerleading Squad

Blue Doors: Storage rooms Yellow Doors: Lockers Red Door: The Principal's Office By the way, some students and cheerleaders got locked in their lockers as punishment. One of the lockers holds a forbidden device which, if you see it, will cause the authorities to come looking for you. If you shoot it, all doors open. NOTE: The "authorities" are a large group of hell-spawn with infinite reserves. The "-nomonsters" option has no effect on them. This can easily ruin a deathmatch or co-op. Don't open the weird-looking locker!!!
Credits: All the other wad authors out there whose great levels inspired me...But seriously, folks. I owe thanks to the following people: The author(s) of DCK v2.2 for a great wad editor; The person who made DMAUD and DMGRAPH, though he needs to make more user-friendly versions; The guys who made DEUTEX(for nothing); Whoever made DMMUSIC(for not working with doom2) The people at ID software for you know what; And anyone else who made a school in Hell. Look out for the sequel to this(coming sooner or later):HELL_SHS.WAD...haven't started on it...
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: On and off for half a year.
Bugs: Ha! My work is flawless! No, a teacher stuck walking around behind a desk is Not a Bug, it was intended...Please report any bugs to the SPA....i mean, to me...or fix it yourself!
Rating: (26 votes)

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