Title: Hellhole.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/hellhol1.zip
Size: 73.7 KB
Date: 09/08/10
Author: The Hound
Description: Fairly easy level if you are good at saving ammo and dodging. But we all are aren't we?
Credits: ID Renegade Graphics Deu (This form)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About a month
Editor(s) used: Renegade Graphics Doomed Deluxe v2.23(99%), Misc (1%)
Bugs: Starts a little jumpy, but smooths out once a few areas are cleared. Automap not fully completed (some unwanted lines show) and some Secrets not implemented yet, but nobody cares aboout those, right?
Rating: (8 votes)

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placing no ammo at the end of map makes this awfulx
not recommanded..x
this is a very old level. you okay with the copyright?x
it's ok. it's nothing special.x
It's fairly good.x
2. This feels like this might be your first or second wad, of terrible quality. Your description doesn't fit, as you can't properly dodge hitscans. Also, you DO realize SS Nazis fire shotgun blasts repeatedly. Protip: Don't test in God mode. ~That guy over therex

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