Title: High/Low 5
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/highlow5.zip
Size: 450.58 KB
Date: 07/21/13
Author: Chris Hansen
Description: This map is the conclusion of my High/Low series. Where the other maps are for Ult. Doom this one is for Doom 2. I chose to make it look and feel like some of the city maps from org. game, as they have always been some of my favorite maps and what I associate with Doom 2.

But of course, I have also made sure to put my own mark on the map, just as the other maps in the series. They are all merely interpretations of the org. games.

Anyway, this map is full of trick, traps, ambushes and puzzles. There is also a good deal of variety in the layout, so expect to do a little base jumping and try to watch your step at all times.

The difficulty in the map does not come from hordes of monsters. It might be a big map, but it is not stuffed with monsters.
Base: jumping and try to watch your step at all times.

The difficulty in the map does not come from hordes of monsters. It might be a big map, but it is not stuffed with monsters.
Build time: Many years on and off.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade
Bugs: None, I hope. Tested primarily with zDoom, gzdoom and Prboom+.
Rating: (22 votes)

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