Title: ICAR2015
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/icar2015.zip
Size: 907.96 KB
Date: 09/13/15
Author: Alexander "Eternal" S.
Description: All levels are designed for vanilla Doom2 + Icarus.wad Recommended engines: prBoom-plus with "-complevel 2" prboom-plus -complevel 2 -file ICARUS.WAD ICAR2015.WAD

Additional Credits to: Andrey Budko, Hitherto, id Software, authors of DoomBuilder and also authors of Icarus...and [Ty R.I.P.]
Credits: Andrey Budko, Hitherto, id Software, authors of DoomBuilder and also authors of Icarus...and [Ty R.I.P.]
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 month
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder 1.68.
Bugs: None with GLBoom-Plus
Rating: (15 votes)

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