Title: "Insertion" Map 01
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/insrt_01.zip
Size: 30.28 KB
Date: 07/09/95
Author: David Shaw
Description: This is Map 01 of a 10 Map "Episode" for Doom 2. The episode is "in construction," so your comments are welcome.
Credits: Theresa Chasar (co-author of the RAVEN levels) for her much appreciated help & Steve Benner, David Bruni, and the publishers of _Tricks of the DOOM Progam- ming Gurus_ for helping me say "Oh! So THAT'S what it's all about!"
Base: New Level From Scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED Version 1.83 Beta
Bugs: None [If exist, Please Email]
Rating: (5 votes)

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Spectacularly mediocre is about the politest you can be about this mess.x
I liked it - COOLx
For those of you that don't know, this was my first ever testing of Waded. It is here for "giggle" purposes only and historical reasons. It is not meant to be taken seriously or with any sort of pride.x
Is this the same David Shaw who did all that music (with Mark Klem) for Memento Mori and Requiem? It's a good thing he stuck to music. His music is good. This isn't. 1/5 --Wooliex
The "author" only made one other "level" for "Doom", which I have not "played". No great "loss", because this is a dull and "anonymous" map. It starts off as a vintage 1994 collection of ugly empty "rooms". The second area is quite good-looking for the time, but you have dozens of rockets against a few weak "monsters". The level only has three zones; the final battle is easy because you have masses of BFG ammo, and you can just "run" to the escape teleport.x

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