Title: Animal Instinct
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/instinct.zip
Size: 55.37 KB
Date: 02/20/05
Author: Keith Winter
Description: After your recent escape, you returned to Earth and told the president about the Alien World and their plans to invade Earth. He just laughed at you. Realizing that he's one of them, you grabbed your gun and tried to shoot him. You were stopped by his body guards before you could fire, and were thrown in a prison on Maximus 5....
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 4 weeks
Editor(s) used: Deu 2
Bugs: None

* The Story Behind the Level *

After your recent escape (in Escape.wad) you returned to Earth and told the president about the Alien World and their plans to invade Earth. He just laughed at you, you grabbed your gun and tried to shoot him but you were stopped by his body guards, you then screamed at him "you dirty bastard, you're not human you're one of them!" Very good! This is just the body of the president, he died long ago! When we over take your pathetic little planet, we will kill all the humans except a small amount, the few that survive we become our slaves! He said. Never! We will fight them, they won't even be able to get near Earth, we will blow them apart the second they enter our solar system! You screamed. Ahhh, but that's just one of the benefits of this body, not one missle is launched till I give the command! Not Even one missle will be fired to stop them, I won't let them! Now take him away! He commanded. They hit you over the head and it went dark.... When you awoke you had just landed on the prison world, Maximum 5, the toughest prison the the solar system! You were then escored down a long passage way to the cell area, while the guard escorting you was talking the the jail keeper, you swiftly grabed piece of wood and beat thier skulls in! You grab one of thier shotguns and think to yourself, "It's time for some Animal Instincts!"
Rating: (2 votes)

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I liked it - COOL - pretty extreme for '94x

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