Title: Base Series
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/kbase_3.zip
Size: 115.52 KB
Date: 02/27/98
Author: Kurt Kesler
Description: kbase_3 is a large, noisy base.
Credits: id-software
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Wauthor, Wintex4.3, Lview Pro.I tried DCCW 2.02, but the errors it detected were one-sided lines not marked impassible. A one-sided line can't be passible!!!All other errors were stuff I know is there, and did intensionally.
Bugs: None.
Rating: (3 votes)

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There's a lot of unnecessary duck and shoot repetition sections, but the traps and unique arachntron lifts make up for it. Reasonably well balanced with mediocre environments. x
This is dated February 1998. I liked it, and you will like it too; it's a knockabout techbase with 350+ baddies. The design is well up to scratch circa 1998, in a classical pre-source port way. I particularly liked the conveyor belt of arachnotrons. I wasn't too enamored of the slime catwalk section though. It tends to degenerate into chucking loads of rockets at the baddies (you get lots of rockets). Bizarre "final battle".x
an avrig wad the action dipartmint is qite good thow x

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