Title: The Keep
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/keep.zip
Size: 89.25 KB
Date: 11/21/97
Author: Michael Reed
Description: A new level for Doom 2. I tried to go for form AND substance with this new WAD. e-mail me and tell me what you think.
Credits: iD Creators of DOOM & Doom2. Bruce & Adam Patek for testing The Keep and all my other levels.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK v2.2 beta by Ben Morris (includes BSP v1.2x by Colin Reed) RMB v2.1 by Jens Hykkelbjerg
Bugs: No Known Bugs
Rating: (7 votes)

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Starts off fairly well but it is bland with a strange underground section that isn't balanced.x
This was a real blast to play through.x
Another great map from this classic author. 4/5x
Fun level, well-designed, and non-linear yet I never got lost. Bit too much ammo though.x
Very good level, easy but good. 4 starts -alien111x
By today's standards with maps like "sapphire" and "Torment and Torture", this map is pretty bland but in its time it was exceptional. Perfectly captures the look, feel and gameplay of a classical map. Good ole' school. 4/5 P,S the author also made the legendary Hoover Dam! x
realy good actuly hi gameplay good graphix and its not to short eather good job 4/5 x

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