Title: Khorne's Demise
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/khorne.zip
Size: 286.62 KB
Date: 06/21/10
Author: Bill Turner III
Description: This wad can be found on the Maximum wad CD. Refer to the original README for info. Please note the KHORNE dehacked patch is missing and cannot be found.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (6 votes)

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I don't think any dehacked patch can make this level any better, unless the patch makes a female imp crawl out of my computer screen and suck my cock. But since the patch most likely will not make that happen, I will judgeth this to be burned.x
This one have too low ammo. It's not any ammo to find.x
This is really quite bad. Maybe it'd be better with the elusive missing DEH patch. Who knows?x
not bad...good start making..x
Nothing special at all, and at one point I got stuck where the red key was (I think it's supposed to be a trap). Actually, short and miserable. Avoid.x

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