Title: library.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/library2.zip
Size: 86.5 KB
Date: 12/03/99
Author: Harry Daalmeijer
Description: no time to read a book now.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: lost track
Editor(s) used: deep
Bugs: please report
Rating: (4 votes)

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fun map actuly 4/5x
^Is that you again dude? Funny, yet accurate review. skipt. 0.000000/5.1x
This is a decent level from November 1999, although it's switch-hunty and mazey and repetitive, with a simplistic design. It's mostly a kind of town-style map, plus a cramped library. There are several copy-and-past bits that you absolutely have to explore, and the final battle is a complete failure (there's a spawn shooter, but you can't kill it, and you can avoid all of its monsters). In fact it's not really a decent level at all, it's below-average. Bah.x
Haha like the idea.. x

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