Title: Lil' Pecan
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/lilpecan.zip
Size: 249 KB
Date: 10/09/22
Author: SuperPecanMan
Description: I was able to get into my old hard drive in search of the Doom maps I made a long time ago. I found them, and I think people might be interested to see something made 20 years ago. These were made between April-December 2000.

This WAD should be vanilla compatible. The maps were designed with continuous play in mind. I wasn't very good at the game back then so they should be beatable from pistol start.

These maps have very poor texturing and my younger self never discovered the wonders of lower unpegged. The maps can be very stingy with equipment from pistol start. I made no changes regarding balance or looks, I just fixed the game breaking bugs.

lilpecanfixed.wad contains the maps with the game-breaking bugs fixed. lilpecanorig.wad contains the maps as I found them, you will get stuck very early in the first level without cheating. lilpecanmus.wad contains custom midi tracks for the levels made using midis I recovered from the same hard drive. My choices were limited; I kept it separate to make the (bad) music optional.

MAP08.wad is a bonus level I made about a year later, something I started but never finished. I have no idea where I was going with it so I'm just releasing it as-is for curiosity's sake.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 9 Months
Editor(s) used: WinDEU, DoomBuilder, SLADE
Bugs: lilpecanorig.wad has several soft locks and points where it is literally impossible to progress. I included it as a curiosity.

MAP08.wad does not have an exit.

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