Title: Ocean Liner of Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/liner.zip
Size: 165 KB
Date: 07/27/95
Author: Paul Thompson
Description: Set on an ocean liner (at night) this wad is not (in my opinion) complete. But due to lobbying pressure from my beta testers, I'm releasing it. In the near future, an add-on will be released with replacement sprites and sounds.
Credits: ID software Ben Morris for DCK2.2 Beta testers too numerous to mention, but without whom this wad may not be as playable as it is. Well done, guys! My fiance, Josie, who is miffed at becoming a wad widow.
Base: Some of my nastiest nightmares
Build time: Lost track...maybe 60 hours or so?
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2f RMB
Bugs: none that I know of
Rating: (2 votes)

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I liked it - COOLx
"In the near future, an add-on will be released with replacement sprites and sounds": alas, it was not to be, as this seems to be the author's only Doom release. Over ten years have passed and I imagine the author is older and wiser. This level suffers from the same problem as other "based on a power plant / hotel / real building" levels in that it is mostly long corridors and dozens of boring doors. Level one is awful; level two has a nice dining room; level three is dull.x

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