Title: The Pharin Agenda, part 1 - Castle Luna
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/luna.zip
Size: 178.08 KB
Date: 06/14/04
Author: John Llewellyn
Description: Castle Luna. Part museum, part hi-tech laboratory, on the fringe of the lunar terraformed zone. UAC's gift to the citizens of the moon. But someone had other plans for it, and whatever they're doing up there, is isn't finding a cure for cancer. So the Corps wants you to go up and find out what's really happening inside...Castle Luna. (See pharin1.txt for the complete background story.)
Credits: Jim Flynn: playtester and all-around sounding board. Also Hank Leukart, the DEU team and the guys who made DETH, David Moller for NWT, and the gang at id.
Base: New level from scratch/
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, Dmcad 4.1, DETH, NWT
Bugs: Bad column messages at start - irrelevant.
Rating: (7 votes)

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i thought it was fun, 4 starsx
WTF? Why does water hurt me? I hate that shit. One star for makin my dude a pussy.x
this is awesome! 5/5x
Pretty neatx

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