Title: Lynx Up!
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/lynx.zip
Size: 50.47 KB
Date: 02/07/04
Author: Rich Johnston aka Nostromo (aka Fritz Goot - caretaker of The Hidden Pub BBS and PUBnet)
Description: This is a small level with a basic map shape of an Atari Lynx. It is mindless carnage, and great fun!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: On and off for 6 weeks.
Editor(s) used: EdMap 1.31 (construction) IDBSP 11b (node building) RMB 1.21 (reject building)
Bugs: A few slightly miss-aligned textures, but nothing really noticable.
Rating: (8 votes)

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Getsu Fune
Loved the lynx!x
Excellent, quite good gameplay and the shape of Atari Lynx makes a very interesting/unusual layout.x
And I was expecting a text-mode version of Doom. This a good fun blast - not very long but it captures the essence of everything I like about Doom (although I couldn't find the berzerk pack, but that's just me). Not particularly taxing - unlike for example a tax inspector - but I agree with the first reviewer in that this is a minor classic of well-lubricated gameplay. I don't want to over-egg it, mind. It could easily have been an official wad. x
Title: Lynx Up! Date: Jan. 17, 1996 - Author: Rich Johnston aka Nostromo (aka Fritz Goot - caretaker of The Hidden Pub BBS and PUBnet) - Email: nostromo@sonic.net - Concept: Edward Castle. Description: this is a small level with a basic map shape of an Atari Lynx. It is mindless carnage, and great fun! - Jivex
I was pretty surprised by the gameplay, rather funny. Could be a classic 3.5/5 - PerOxydx

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