Title: MAK's Doomdom for Doom ][
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mak4-dm2.zip
Size: 731.75 KB
Date: 03/09/95
Author: Martin A. Krebs "The MAK"
Description: The original MAKDOOM series ported to Doom ][...

Four classic Doom levels complete with all three keys, traps, secret doors, and of course, lots of targets. These levels are an attempt to mirror the mood and detailed maps that made the original game so much fun. Stress was placed on QUALITY.

Attention veterans of MAKDOOM1-3; This is the last addition to the MAKDOOM series. I will fix any bugs that come along, but do not plan on starting a level 5. I hope you have enjoyed this quadripartite.

Well, for this author, it's back to my family (if I still have one)... until it's time to start making QUAKE levels. ;^)

Please E-mail or write me if you have the time and let me know what you think.
Credits: My wife, for living with a Doom Addict turned hacker....

The Amazing people at id Software for doing "it" yet again...

The authors of the editors mentioned below, they are all great programs...

The Beta testers who put up with MANY stupid bugs, any that remain are my oversight, not theirs...

Finally, thanks to all those who have e-mailed or written me with comments and suggestions, you have "kept the barrel warm" and enabled the completion of a FOURTH twisted level... and encouraged me to basically blow the whole summer and fall on this "little" project.
Base: None...New levels from scratch.
Build time: Don't ask in the company of my wife!
Editor(s) used: DMCAD 5.1 DEU2 DEU 5.0, 5.1, 5.21, 5.21GCC IDBSP 1.0, 1.0.1D, 1.0.2D, 1.1D Renegade Graphics DOOMed 1.1c DMGRAPH 1.1 DMAUD 1.1 GIFCLIP 1.5
Bugs: None...please E-MAIL or write me if you discover any.
Rating: (3 votes)

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Four techbase maps dated February 1995. They're Doom 2 translations of some originals that aren't in the archives. It has a bunch of new sounds that are naff enough to be funny. The Doom 2 content is minimal and they're crudely done, but the gameplay is sound and with a bit of polish they'd be good. Map03 is the best, Map01 and 02 aren't too shabby. Map04 on the other hand feels like an unfinished template (there's no exit, only a handful of baddies).x
wow those are some nice Beavis and Butthead sounds there mait >_> 1/5x

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