Title: Complete 'n Total Mayhem!
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mayhem.zip
Size: 39.53 KB
Date: 01/10/98
Author: The Dark Lord!
Description: MAP1 : COMPLETE 'n TOTAL MAYHEM! Alone is fun but although BIG all rooms are also big so DM can be Great Fun :))
Credits: Id Software!!!!!!!!!!! Warlock, Rayden, Evil One, Nuclear Vision, PHiLO, BitKiller, SDC, SniPer, Happy Harry Hard-on & everyone I forgot 2 mention :((
Base: New WAD from scratch
Build time: let's say I put in alot of Hours!
Editor(s) used: DCK v2.0
Bugs: None, but if you do find them, please report them 2 me if you can, and type down your Country so I can C how far my Levelz have spread! my E-Mail adress = darklord@pi.net
Rating: (2 votes)

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