Title: The Maze
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/maze.zip
Size: 17.93 KB
Date: 06/26/95
Author: Antony Gibson
Description: A small level featuring lots of confined monsters. A great Tyson level (pistol, choppers & fists) This is also the first level I have posted anywhere
Credits: Tony Roche for helping with design and testing.
Base: Modified bridge.WAD by Justin Ward. He made the bridge that leads to the end.
Build time: Too long
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2, BSP 1.2x, NWT.
Bugs: There is a texture by the red door that I can't fix.
Rating: (3 votes)

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Not exactly what I'd call a maze, as it's a small, confined path that circles into a spiral and has nothing branching out. Music was decent but inappropriate for the level as the instrument was a piano playing something you'd expect to hear in some sort of Disney movie. Lighting was nice and dark. Textures weren't used in any remarkable way.x
I liked itx
Easy and short 3/5x

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