Title: The Military Base
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mbase.zip
Size: 112.64 KB
Date: 05/15/01
Author: Ilkka Kunttu
Description: This is a Military Base. As the name says, it's a technical place, such as the Doom shareware episode levels. All skill settings are there, so everyone can play! UV skill can be hard, but there's enough ammo to kill all monsters -- if you find it! The music is copied from Doom1 E1M3, because that's one of my favourites.
Credits: ID software -- for Doom of course The makers of WinDeu, Tcount, dcc, and BSP
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A couple of weeks
Editor(s) used: WinDEU, tcount, dcc, BSP
Bugs: None
Rating: (6 votes)

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It's not as bad as the rating implies. yes it is a 94 style wad, but it isn't terrible. I actually enjoyed playing through this. 3/5x
Not as bad as the four previous ratings suggest. Felt more like a mid 90's map. 3/5x

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