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After saving Phobos, destroying Hell,
Cong Lu - The Incredible Artist Brad Lester - The Incredible Beta-tester. Ron DeMarse - The deranged friend with weird ideas. Peter Byrnes - For the use of his fantastic hardware.
New level from scratch, of course!
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Waded 1.87, WinTex
None, this baby's perfect.
(11 votes)
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4 stars - pretty darn good
3 stars - average
2 stars - meh
1 star - awful
0 stars - vomit
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View mhsdoom2.txt
Uploaded by Perseus (jwc0045211@hotmail.com) ============================================================ Title : MHS Doom II Filename : DM2MHS.WAD Author : Liverwurst EMail Address : PByrnes@muscanet.com Misc. Author Info : Liverwurst is a Senior at Muscatine High School in Muscatine, Iowa. He had a vision one evening to map out his rather large high school in search of the ultimate Doom level. This is it, hands down. Description : After saving Phobos, destroying Hell, and killing nearly every living creature in the world, you return to your home town in Muscatine, Iowa to grab a few brewskies with your buddies, and possibly nail up on a few just-legal drugs. As you head for the bar, you happen to pass by the high school and notice some suspicious activities occuring. Armed with some brass knuckles and your trusty 45, packed with only 50 shots, you enter the building. After realizing that you haven't drained your lizard in about four months, you head directly to the bathroom. You begin the level inside the guys bathroom in a urinating position. You quickly notice that a former human happens to be doing the same thing to your left. Quickly, you grab your pistol and gun down the enemy. Thus begins your quest to save Muscatine High. Additional credits: Cong Lu - The Incredible Artist Brad Lester - The Incredible Beta-tester. Ron DeMarse - The deranged friend with weird ideas. Peter Byrnes - For the use of his fantastic hardware. - Without these guys, (sniff), it never would have happen. Thanks guys (sob). ============================================================= Play Information: Doom Number : Doom II Map Number : Map 1 Single Player : #@$% YES!! Cooperative Player : @$#% NO WAY!! Deathmatch Player : Freakin @#$% YES!!! Difficulty Settings : Yup, they're there. New Sounds : Uhhh... nope. New Graphics : You betcha. New Music : Uhhh... nope. Demos Replaced : None. (We were gettin' anxious) Construction Base : New level from scratch, of course! Editors used : Waded 1.87, WinTex Known bugs : None, this baby's perfect. Legal Jive Yo, yo, wassup? You may NOT use this for anything, unless my prior permission is granted. I worked my anus off on this level, I don't want people to jack around with it for no real reason, so write me first if you want to use it for something and I'll get back to you with an answer. Don't sweat it, I'll probably say "yes". Yeah funk dogs, you BETTER distribute this wad, ONLY if this text file is included unscathed. No changes, just give copies to everybody you guys know. Where to get this wad : The Genesis BBS (319) 263-0014 Hopefully this will soon be on various nodes throughout the web, like cdrom.com and doomgate.com, they aren't there yet though. (Give me a day or two!)
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