Title: Mines of Titan v1.1
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mines2.zip
Size: 239.15 KB
Date: 07/10/03
Author: Jim Flynn
Description: Dumped in the middle of a mining base on Titan, a moon of Saturn, you must acquire three keys to find the exit hidden in the mining headquarters. Since the natives are definitely NOT friendly an exit is a nice thing to find.
Credits: Brendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet for DEU-GCC
Antony Burden and Simon Oke for DETH 1.1c-2.3
Colin Reed for BSP1.2x
Olivier Montanuy for DeuTex 3.1-3.4
HevKev (Kevin McGrail) for the DeuTex Manual
Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB 2.1
NASA and all those who supported the HST
Those folks at ID, for DOOM and DOOM II.

Playtesters: Peter Zahner, John Keary, Matt Jonelis, John Anderson, Scott Harper, Joel Levine
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: For level editing: DEU 5.2(GCC), DETH 1.1c-2.3
For node building: BSP 1.2x
For reject map building: RMB 2.1
For wad composition: DeuTex 3.1-3.4
Rating: (18 votes)

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