Title: The Lost Mines
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mkmines.zip
Size: 82.88 KB
Date: 07/10/04
Author: Mark Anthony Klem
Credits: All of the Authors of DEU and BSP.
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (4 votes)

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This is dated November 1994. Given the age and the generic name I was expecting something poor, but it's surprisingly entertaining; mazey, but the maze is well-designed and still looks good today. Non-stop shooting against 149 mostly weak monsters, two big dust-ups although you have loads of health and ammo (and an invulnerability the first time). Superior for 1994, would benefit from a polish nowadays. Seems to already be in the archive as id=12051.x
I liked itx

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