Title: movefast.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/movefast.zip
Size: 22.68 KB
Date: 02/02/95
Author: David Lamb
Description: A single player or Two player cooperative wad. Lots of teleporters and moving targets. Moves fast. Nice break from deathmatch wads.
Credits: Chris Kleymeer for playtesting and dying gracefully :)
Base: scratch
Build time: 6 hours
Editor(s) used: waded 1.42
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)

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I liked itx
This is dated January 1995. It's very poor, even for 1995; basically a series of undetailed rectangular corridors with 120 assorted baddies and masses of rockets. It has a hub-style design, but it's poorly-made, and there's at least once place where you can stuck if you don't have the right key. The teleport pads that don't work properly, because only one side is flagged as a teleport; there's a "boss battle" that you can just run past.x
dont expect mutch, its OLD... x

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