Title: Mutabor
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mutabor.zip
Size: 1.47 MB
Date: 04/05/20
Author: Thomas "tourniquet" Seifert
Description: One large and complex vanilla compatible map. Difficulty-wise this should be a bit less demanding than some of my previous works. Map 2 and 3 are just bonus stuff
Credits: Props to:

Archi, dew, Killer5, NineInchHeels, rdwpa,Ribbiks for Playtesting

Ribbiks for assisting me with the titlepic

Demonologist, Horus, Lorenz0, NoisyVelvet, WH-Wilou84 for demos/videos


Title - spicecave by Ribbiks

Map01 - diranir by zan zan zawa veia

Map02 - jmjbike by zan zan zawa veia

Map03 - pdust by zan zan zawa veia

Intermission - rompi by Ribbiks


the whole CC4-tex gang, Cage, Jimmy, Mechadon, Ukiro, Ribbiks


Recolored Cyberdemon by Grain of Salt

Recolored Chaingunner by TheDarkArchon

Various Doom Keys by Disguise/ Blue Shadow/ Magic Wazard

Candle Color Variations by theultimatefaris766

Minigun by Tormentor667
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~1 year, on and off
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Doom Builder X, Slade 3, Gimp
Bugs: Some visual glitches in GzDoom

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