Title: My Doom II
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mydoom2.zip
Size: 293.78 KB
Date: 08/02/97
Author: David Butler
Description: Six-level Doom II wad with new levels, sounds, music, and graphics.
Credits: Nintendo for the music on level 6, Acclaim and Nintendo for the super shotgun sound from "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter," and id Software for making Doom I and II.
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DeeP (Shareware version), WinTex 3.4
Bugs: If you go to the help screen, the game will crash. I think it has something to do with the cursor being too wide. This bug doesn't exist in Doom 95, as the right edge of the cursor simply appears on the left side of the screen.
Rating: (8 votes)

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I loved it. Cool aesthetics, most of the midis were new for me and the gameplay is so fun-oriented it's just adorable. Gets a bit tricky at times too if you play from pistol start (seems like the wad was made with continuous playing in mind but all maps are doable from scratch).x
it was funx
It's OK.x
This wad is so nineties that it hurts, and I love it. 5/5 -Lupinx-Kassman.x

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