Title: Mayan Reynolds
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mynrnlds.zip
Size: 1.45 MB
Date: 03/13/22
Author: AD_79, Bobby, DCG Retrowave, Egg Boy, Skronkidonk, T.WILL, ZeMystic
Description: Mayan Reynolds is a small vanilla compatible episode for Doom 2 featuring overgrown ruins and dank caves. The WAD was speed-map project made over the course of a week. Difficulties are implemented. Mouselook, jumping, and crouching should be disabled if you're playing on a port with those features.
Credits: Map list:

Map01 - Waterlogged by Egg Boy

Map02 - Barren by T.WILL, DCG Retrowave

Map03 - Erosion by Egg Boy

Map04 - Guerilla by Skronkidonk

Map05 - Wisteria by ZeMystic

Map06 - Pizza Ghetto by Bobby

Map07 - As the Kingdom Drowns by AD_79



Map01 - Sanctuary by AD_79

Map02 - Disposition by Mark Klem

Map03 - The Face of Wrath by Stewboy

Map04 - Bloody Hell by Jamie Robertson

Map05 - Overgrown City by Jimmy

Map06 - Jungle from Gubble arranged by Seppo Hurme

Map07 - Aquifer by AD_79

Map08 - Atrium by Deadwing

OTEX by Ukiro

32in2415_tex_V2 by Esselfortium
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 7 days
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE 3, Doom Text Generator, Photoshop

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