Title: Neal
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/neal.zip
Size: 54.07 KB
Date: 06/06/16
Author: Mauzki
Description: First wad when I started to really learn about doom builder like doors, secrets, etc.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: On and off 16 hours.
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (11 votes)

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Unfortunately, very basic and blocky design. Lots of technical errors: texture misalignments, grid misalignments, doors sliding into sky and mid-textures on doors. Progression is based on moving from one rectangular corridor to another rectangular corridor.x
If feels like all you did was spam monsters around the map, but it was still fun.x
not bad. next you want to focus on marking some of the keyed doors, as well as door texturesx

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