Title: NH2
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/nh2.zip
Size: 15.86 KB
Date: 10/08/15
Author: TimeOfDeath
Description: Previously unreleased tiny sequel to NH1.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a day
Editor(s) used: doom builder 1.68
Rating: (6 votes)

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Challenging, and that's all. No complex puzzles, no impressive layouts, just some challenging moments with no health packs. Thankfully, there are enough weapons and ammo to deal with monsters.x
Exit in first map opened for no obvious reason, so I navigated the monsters and left. Second map devolves into a revenant/arch-vile slaughterfest in a small room with repeating switch textures; it's a gimmick challenge.x
Cool, thanks for releasing, I was looking forward to this! I liked Map07 a bit more because I'm not a big fan of berserk. Btw I only now realised that NH probably stands for "no health".x

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