Title: No Chance
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/nochance.zip
Size: 438.23 KB
Date: 11/24/09
Author: Death-Destiny
Description: This is a ridiculously difficult Boom-compatible map I made in the spirit of Erik Alm's eaxt.WAD. The only incentive for playing this map on UV is purely for the sake of the challenge and to see if you can complete a seemingly impossible task, as this map is otherwise completely unplayable or fun for any other reason. If you want a fairly upbeat, but managable challenge, play HMP. If you want a more casual run, play ITYTD or NTR.
Credits: Erik Alm for eaxt.WAD, as the principle behind it inspired this map.
Base: None
Build time: 2 days
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: UV is impossible
Rating: (45 votes)

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