Title: Oh, fun!
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/oh_fun.zip
Size: 21.54 KB
Date: 11/06/95
Author: Drew Dibble
Description: You're a guy dropped off at an alien military base, and you have to find your way to the helicopter landing pad. oh, fun, right?
Credits: Hmmm.. zorbo (kava), reptile (jeremy), and mr-nice (isaac). (all for no particular reason.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 8-9 hours straight
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit 4.01á
Bugs: none (I hope! :-))
Rating: (7 votes)

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Probably the best DooM level ever created.. no.. THE best.. for sure..x
Nice, but too short.x
hmmm well thair was nuthing in this wad that i espeshly liked but i have seen mutch worce 2/5 x
It's OK. Worth playing if you've nothing much better to do.x
Not bad at all. -GeeDouggx
Nice Gameplay :) I love that wad! -- 4/5-- Moti_The~Doomx
short & easy, not very detailed or anything, but i liked it somewhat *** -sargebaldyx

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