Title: Orin's 1st DOOM ][ Level
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/orin01.zip
Size: 31.43 KB
Date: 07/12/95
Author: Orin Flaharty
Description: It may be my first DOOM][ wad, but don't let fool you, it's good, trust me on this one. It's not my first wad that I've ever made and it's much better that most I've seen on the internet (especially the aol libraries.)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doomcad v5.1 bsp v1.1
Bugs: None
Rating: (8 votes)

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walter confalonieri
Pretty good map for the timex
Stylish dark brown level, very interesting progression and satisfying action. Good stuff.x
Surprisingly good for a first Doom 2 map, way better than my first Doom 2 map and I started in 2013. Found this after clicking the "random file" button a bunch of times :Px
Dark and cramped, but good for '95. 3/5x
I liked itx

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