Title: 100 Line Massacre
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/100lnm.zip
Size: 932.98 KB
Date: 04/17/22
Author: NinjaDelphox and Arsinikk
Description: 100 Line Massacre is a small Megawad project (Full 32 maps + 3 Bonus) by NinjaDelphox and Arsinikk with the goal of making Vanilla- Compatible maps with the limit of 100 lines.

All maps were designed with pistol start in mind, though continuous play is perfectly fine. Each map should take only around 2-5 minutes to finish.

In addition to the 100 line limit, the other goal was to add variety to the megawad by alternating authorship with each map, combining Ninja's heavy emphasis on challenge and combat mixing with Arsinikk's more experimental maps of Vanilla tricks and exploits.

All difficulties have been implemented on every map. I would say the overall difficulty of Ultra-Violence could be comparable to something like "Speed of Doom". While a majority of the maps I wouldn't categorise as microslaughter, there is indeed some slaughter influence throughout some of the maps. If Ultra- Violence is too difficult for you, don't hesitate to drop down to Hurt Me Plenty.

100 Line Massacre also features a new difficulty called "Vile Cruelty" (UV Plus). This difficulty includes additional multiplayer monsters and items for those who have already played through the maps and would like an extra challenge.

You can access "Vile Cruelty" in DSDA Doom and Woof-based ports with the argument "-coop_spawns". Use "-solo-net" for Eternity and PrBoom Plus. ZDoom ports have an option added to the Skill selection menu (note that older ZDoom versions may not have the recent enough code to do the new skill correctly).

Version 1.3 includes embedded support for ZDaemon and ZDoom ports (removing the need for a separate patch). Also includes softlock fix and HMP coop fix for MAP31 (Demos on DSDA unaffected).
Credits: - INTERMISSION: "Riddle" - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - READ ME: "Under Death" - Mark Klem - MAP01: "Thorny Wall" - Thyrbse - MAP03: "Claustrophobia" - ClumsyDoomer - MAP05: "The Pyramid" - Thyrbse - MAP07: "Seasons of Insanity" - Jimmy - MAP09: "Stormy Volcano" - Thyrbse - MAP11: "Lost in Place" - Lippeth - MAP13: "Waltz of the Lazy Chair Room" - Castlevania: Curse of Darkness - MAP15: "Sepulchral" - Hellish Godzilla - MAP17: "Give in (With Pleasure)" - Mark Klem - MAP19: "Plutocrat" - Bucket - MAP21: "Plummeting" - Bucket - MAP23: "Blood Rush" - Eris Falling - MAP25: "Inner Fear" - Thyrbse - MAP27: "Maybe I'm a Lion" - Final Fantasy VIII - MAP29: "The Extreme" - Final Fantasy VIII - MAP32: "The Forgotten God" - Eris Falling - MAP33: "Under Death" - Mark Klem - MAP34: "Remains of War" - Thyrbse - MAP35: "Riddle" - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Texture credits: - Additional textures from id Software (Doom1) and the Casali's (Plutonia)

Sprite credits: - New Keen sprites by Arsinikk - SSG frames from Doom 2 Minor Sprite Fix

Sound credits: - Impostor Imp SFX from strain.wad

Story credits: - Story written by Arsinikk
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 months for mapping. 1 month to compose midis (Arsinikk).
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, Adobe Photoshop, WhackEd4, Dehacked, Logic Pro, Sekaiju, Doom Word
Bugs: - It's possible to see a visual bug on MAP18 and MAP34 in DSDA Doom/PrBoom Plus OpenGL Renderer. There's nothing I could do to fix them without adding more than 100 lines.

- It's possible to see some sprites through walls on MAP24 in Vanilla/Chocolate Doom. This has to do again with the limitations of 100 lines.

- Saving in Vanilla/Chocolate Doom on MAP32 or MAP34 will crash the game due to the Savegame Buffer Error.

- It is possible to get the all-ghosts bug occasionally on MAP32.

- While the bonus map34 technically works in Vanilla/ Chocolate Doom, the sprite limit doesn't exactly make it playable.

- MAP35 is not bugged and it is possible to beat. It requires a speedrunning glide to beat it. Although, there is a solution for players who don't know how or can't do the glide.

- MAP15's secret exit requires a very specific rocket jump to access. There is a hidden solution for those who can't achieve the jump (Hint: look among the bricks).

- When playing the wad in Eternity Engine, why do random enemies spawn when killing Cacodemons, Hell Knights and Barons? The stable 4.02.00 build of Eternity Engine has a bug relating to "Blood Color". Use the latest devbuild here: https://devbuilds.drdteam.org/eternity/

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