Title: Number One Kill The Next Generation
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/1killtng.zip
Size: 2 MB
Date: 11/25/97
Author: Angelo Jefferson
Description: There was hexen and hexen2, startrek and startrek the next generation, quake and quake2. What do they all have in common? The sequel was a hell of a lot better than the original which was good any ways. Well now theirs #1kill the next generation which follows the tradition. It features 23 never before seen levels with new textures and music from all off doom ever created under Id. It was built with the experience of building 13 levels for doom/doom2 and the experience of playing doom, doom2, final doom, obtic, hexen, swheretic, quake, and other levels off the net, These levels are built to be challenging with the quality you would expect from Id, playability, and beauty in mind.
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Rating: (78 votes)

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