Title: 200 Line Massacre: The Slaughtering
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/200lnm.zip
Size: 8.46 MB
Date: 12/10/22
Author: Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox
Description: 200 Line Massacre is a 36-map megawad and sequel to the previous "100 Line Massacre" by Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox. Each map was made with the goal of making Vanilla slaughter-like maps under 200 lines. Contrary to the duo's previous effort, this wad features extensive Vanilla DEHACKED allowing for new variants/enemies and an arsenal refresh to to allow for faster and more intense gameplay.

All maps were designed with pistol start in mind, though continuous play is perfectly fine. Each map should take only around 5-7 minutes to finish.

All difficulties have been implemented on every map. 200 Line Massacre has a higher skill ceiling than the previous 100 Line Massacre. While not all the maps are slaughter, there's an emphasis on challenge and large enemy count. If Ultra-Violence is too difficult for you, don't hesitate to drop down to Hurt Me Plenty.

Because the megawad relies heavily on DEHACKED, mods are not recommended and/or supported.

*MAP35 + MAP36 require a limit-removing source port.
Credits: - Additional textures and flats from CC4-TEX - Ice Textures from OTEX - Minor additional textures/flats by Arsinikk
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Eight months to finally finish the mapset and dehacked.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, Adobe Photoshop, WhackEd4, Dehacked, eevee Doom Text Generator
Bugs: - It's extremely rare, but possible for the secret platform in MAP07 to not raise when shooting all the [spoiler]. There's a switch behind the exit teleport that can manually raise the platform in this rare case. - The boss in MAP32 can only be hit by rockets on the raising and lowering platforms in ZDoom ports. In most other ports, the boss can be hit from the tall platforms as well. - When playing MAP25, if the floors and wall textures are not synced up with the same colour, make sure you have the latest version of your source port (especially Woof / Nugget Doom). In DSDA Doom, PrBoom+, Eternity Engine, and ZDoom ports the floors and wall colours should all be synced up by default. - MAP27 may have walls that either HOM or look wonky for a short amount of time in some old ZDoom ports, ZDaemon and the Eternity Engine, because of their lack of support for rendering Mikoportal vertical scrolling walls. - ZDoom ports should use MAP37 instead of MAP35, due to Vanilla Donut incompatibility. If you use the episode select and access the map via "Credits" (MAP34), ZDoom will use the correct version. - Intercept Overflow is possible because of the general amount of monsters. I found it a bit rare, but it is possible.

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