Title: 32 in 64kb
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/32in64k.zip
Size: 23.08 KB
Date: 08/14/22
Author: Luleta
Description: an entire megawad with maps that have a combat puzzle style gameplay in less than 64kbs! :D most maps are less than 2kbs after being compressed with WADptr but none exceeded 3kbs uncompressed. maps were designed for a pistol start. without the dehacked patch and the titlepic the wad is around 51kbs :^3
Credits: Savarin for playtesting and Breadbunbun for inspiration with the 32 kilobyte 16 map megawad: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/127561-32-kilobyte-16-map-megawad/
Base: new from scratch
Build time: about a month
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade3 (and WADptr for extra compression)
Bugs: not really, you can cheese some maps i suppose but you'll miss kills :^)

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