Title: Abscission
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/abscission.zip
Size: 4.1 MB
Date: 06/07/23
Author: Snaxalotl "Kyra"
Description: Abscission is a dark and moody 32-map vanilla megawad with an original ambient/noise soundtrack composed by me. Each map loosely follows the style of the original iwad levels, but with distinct and new layouts rather than being a remake. Visuals are classic since I stuck to stock textures other than custom skies. The difficulty is slightly above average - expect difficult fights that don't become tedious or frustrating.
Credits: SKIES: Mechadon PLAYTESTING: Sandwedge and Doomkid
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate doom builder, Slade, Whacked4, Sekaiju, EndEdit
Bugs: Map31 uses the ghost monster bug for resurrected crushed monsters, map32 intentionally uses the intercept overflow.

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