Title: Atonement
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/atone.zip
Size: 5.36 MB
Date: 11/28/22
Author: Moustachio
Description: A collection of 33 new levels for Doom II, ranging from sprawling shootouts to claustrophobic challenge maps.

Works in any Doom engine. You can even run it on DOS! Some of the maps get pretty slow on a real DOS machine though...

Designed for both single player and cooperative modes.

There's one brand new enemy, and a new final boss, but otherwise the gameplay is just like Classic Doom.

I created all of the maps, and all of the music tracks were written by Dial-up for Murder -- with a few exceptions noted below.

I've spent about 5 years making this wad, working on and off to finish it. I've even released a few wads between E1/E2 and E5/E6. Here's a rough timeline of each episode's release:

- E1 & E2 - 2017 - E3 - 2018 - E4 - 2021 - E5 & E6 - 2022
Credits: For Playtesting: bzzrak, Nine Inch Heels, bioshockfan90, The ZDaemon Community, rdwpa, paymentplan, NoisyVelvet, valkiriforce, Doomkid, xvertigox, HexaDoken, StevenC21, dobu gabu maru, waverider, TheCyberDruid EffinghamHuffnagel, francist218, Degree23, Caleb13, Salt-Man Z, Vile, Captain Keen, galileo31dos01, & Firedust.

For Visual Artistry: galileo31dos01 (status bar), valkiriforce (city foreground of SKY2), Nick Baker (base of NFTMRS1).

cc4-tex.wad compiled by Sarah "esselfortium" Mancuso. cc4-tex.wad includes textures by: NiGHTMARE Espi Eriance Fredrik Johansson Janitor DaGGeR Ola Bjorling Vader XDelusion esselfortium RottKing Nuxius Afterglow AgentSpork RottKing Enjay Huy Pham SargeBaldy Tormentor667 The GothicDM Team The Requiem Team The Eternal Doom Team id Software Raven Software Rogue Entertainment

All music written & performed by Dial-Up for Murder (except where noted above).

idsky.booru.org for compiling a multitude of DOOM sky textures. I have so far been unable to verify the artists behind the three SKY textures.

Status Bar elements from: Valiant (template for Marine portrait panel), Resurgence (template for ammo icons), and Freedoom (small ammo number font).

Hell Paladin sprites by: Id Software, Raven Software, Wolfendoom, Amuscaria, Vader, HorrorMovieGuy, and Finalizer.

Hell Paladin sounds by: Id Software and Raven Software. Hell Paladin behavior by Moustachio.

Arbiter sprites by: Raven Software, Captain Toenail, and Moustachio. Arbiter behavior by Moustachio.

Scientist sprites by: Id Software, Xim, JoeyTD, The Skulltag Team, and scalliano.

DeHackEd patch by Moustachio.

Palette edit by Moustachio.

ENDOOM by Moustachio.

Doomkid for silent death exit reference.

Story by Moustachio.

id Software for DOOM II: Hell on Earth.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 years, give or take
Editor(s) used: cc4-tex.wad was used as a resource pack. I used Ultimate Doom Builder, GZDoom Builder, Doom Builder 2, to create all of the maps, SLADE 3.2.0 to compile the wad, and paint.net to create a large portion of the graphics. The status bar was created by galileo31dos01 using SlumpED v0.7 (for testing), Paint, Paint.net v4.0.21.
Bugs: None that I know of at the time of release

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