30 levels for Doom II v1.9 - 20 levels support all play modes, and there's 10 Deathmatch-only levels as well.
ChrisWAD also includes new sounds, music, graphics, a new monster (The Blob), and several changes to the existing monsters.
The authors of all the utilities and editors who make this hobby possible. Did I just call Doom a hobby? ... I meant lifestyle ;)
New levels from scratch of course
Build time:
Who knows? About 900 hrs + endless testing Didnt work on it all summer
Editor(s) used:
DEU 5.1, DoomCad 4.3, DeeP 6.11, WAD_DWD / IDBSP 1.0 , DMAUD 1.1, DMGRAPH 1.1, DMMUSIC 1.0a, DOOM2WAD 1.00, Sound Recorder ( Windows ), NeoPaint 3.0, LView 3.1, DeHackEd 2.3, Midi2Mus, and DEUSF 3.6 DEEP is the most kick ass level editor!
Got some visplane errors in Map21 and Map23. Fixed them now but mail me if you get the error again.