Title: Cleimos 2 (repackaged edition)
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/cleim20p.zip
Size: 4.58 MB
Date: 06/25/15
Author: Rand and Steven Phares
Description: This is a reupload of the 1995 megawad Cleimos 2 to repackage it in a manner suitable for modern users. The original version uploaded to /idgames was a pair of ZIP files, cleim20a.zip and cleim20b.zip, each containing half of the megawad and each of which were small enough to fit on a 3½-inch floppy disk. Once both ZIPs were extracted, the user would then have to use a batch file using DOS' (and Windows') "copy /b" command to combine both halves of the WAD to create the full megawad. Because floppy disks have been obsolete for decades, this process is no longer necessary and serves only to deter non-Windows users from playing it. Thus, both halves have been combined into one file which can be used in any source port directly.

cleim20p.zip contains the complete Cleimos 2 WAD file alongside the original text file and the two GIF images, but none of the batch files or the copy of DEUSF since neither are necessary to play it in modern source ports. However, the original cleim20a.zip and cleim20b.zip, with the split WAD and all of the omitted files, are bundled with this version as well, complete with /idgames archive timestamps, for historical interest and to satisfy the permissions specified in the text file. The original two ZIPs and their text file also remain available on the archive as separate downloads.

Note that the in-game demos were recorded with Doom II v1.666, and therefore will not play correctly unless you use that version of the game executable or a source port that can emulate that version such as PrBoom-plus.
Credits: id Software, Inc. & the authors of: WinDEU wintex idbsp warm rmb DeuSF the FAQ the SPECS
Base: 32 new levels from scratch
Build time: Nine months
Editor(s) used: WinDEU - designing the levels idbsp - building nodes warm - building nodes rmb - building special reject tables dshrink - reducing sidedef info in wads wintex - assembling pwad DeuSF - inserting sprite info into wad
Bugs: None known. You find 'em and let us know.
Rating: (9 votes)

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Horrible WAD, really bored with the many mazes found in the levels, stopped playing in level 17. Also, which mapper in its own judgement set the way out of a map as secrets?? It would have been a decent WAD without the annoying overload of mazes and puzzlesx
I actually really enjoyed this mapset - it's not perfect, and there were some annoying maps (map 16) but overall I found it to be rather unorthodox and enjoyable in a cutesy '94/'95 kind of way.x
I had a great time with this but it's far from every Doomer's cup of tea. Many puzzles, many mazes, and lightweight opposition save for a few bigger fights(and even those aren't too hard). MAP27-30 are DM maps but show up as short bonus maps in SP mode. They're a weak climax, but so are MAP25(complete torture) and 26(short and easy). Play this if you can enjoy a more slow-paced, brain-twisting adventure.If you want the brutal, tricky dogfights of recent pwads then you shouldn't bother. x
Meeh, pretty shitty, too much mazes and stupid puzzles, i dont think you should try that. Flammable4444 05.09.1025x
Getsu Fune
pretty cool old-skool style set of maps. there's a few annoying puzzle and maze bits that lack any good hints though, which really brings it down. also many levels lack supplies.x
Uploader is lazy ass. Where is deh with level names?x

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