Title: Demonfear
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/dmonfear.zip
Size: 738.82 KB
Date: 03/17/00
Author: Adam Windsor
Description: This WAD replaces all 32 levels of Doom2. All levels are playable solo, co-op or DM, to give you maximum playing opportunity!

Short descriptions of each level are included in DFEARLVL.TXT (included with DMONFEAR.ZIP), but the basic ethic behind the design is simple: I aimed to provide 32 short, sharp shocks for Doom 2 that were both highly playable and visually impressive. I hope I've succeeded.
Credits: The creators of DETH, BSP, RMB, TCOUNT, NWT iD, for DOOM and DOOM2 Chris Best, for playtesting Special thanks to Bill McClendon, for his comments and suggestions during the creation of Demonfear
Base: New levels from scratch (of course!)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH, BSP, RMB, TCOUNT, NWT
Bugs: there were a couple in the orginal DFEAR* series of WADs. I've fixed all of those that have been identified for this release.
Rating: (97 votes)

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