Title: Invasion II v.1.0b
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/inva2_09b.zip
Size: 3.38 MB
Date: 03/15/98
Author: Paul Fleschute
Description: This is sorta a BETA version of Invasion II, the next version will be called Invasion 98 (for TeamTNT's BOOM engine). And I will make a full attempt to kill ALL the bugs. Which should't be that hard, anyway.
Credits: Authors of DoomEd, DETH, WinDEU, Wad Author, WinTex, BSP, RMB, Paint Shop Pro, simply 3d2.

Jens Hykkelbjerg, author of the Special 12.

Jeff Byerly, Made some of Map17, basically the left side, I did the right side, and the top area Adress-hoosierjb@aol.com homepage-http://members.aol.com/hoosierjb/

Team Paradox, for quite a few textures.

Person in TeamTNT who did the Icarus level "War Temple", which gave me an excellent idea...

Ty Halderman, made an attempt to figure out what was wrong with level 2.

id Software, though has made more realistic games, DOOM forever! After all, this game's cool!
Build time: A very very long time!
Editor(s) used: Wintex, DoomEd 4.2, DETH 3.92 WinDEU, WAD Author (for some reason, i cant stick with just one), Paint Shop Pro 4.12, Simply 3D.
Bugs: Some HOMs due to complexity on the far edges of maps 6, and 7. When you see these levels, you'll see why I was hesitant to get rid of some of those linedefs.
Rating: (26 votes)

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