Title: Knee-Deep in KDiZD
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/kdikdizd.zip
Size: 13.73 MB
Date: 04/16/23
Author: Esselfortium & KDiKDiZD team
Description: Your name is Doom Guy, an actor. You've been cast in a cable TV reenactment of 2007's "Knee-Deep In ZDoom". You were never much of a history buff, but it'll put food on the table and help cover Daisy's vet bills. Maybe it'll even revive your acting career. You adjust the prop helmet to breathe a little easier, try out a few cheesy poses with your character's handgun, and ready yourself for the first day of filming.
Credits: Individual map credits:

Z1M1 (MAP13): - Map by Esselfortium - Music by Esselfortium - Based on the KDiZD map by Tormentor667 and Risen - Original Doom map by John Romero

Z1M2 (MAP14): - Map by Nuxius and Esselfortium - Thingplacing by Esselfortium - Music by Jimmy - Based on the KDiZD map by Risen, NiGHTMARE, and Tormentor667 - Original Doom map by John Romero

Z1M3 (MAP15): - Map by Esselfortium, Tun, and Tango - Thingplacing by Esselfortium - Music by Jimmy - Based on the KDiZD map by Nmn, Vader, and Ellmo - Original Doom map by John Romero

Z1M4 (MAP16): - Map by Esselfortium - Music by Esselfortium - Based on the KDiZD map by Nmn, Risen, and NiGHTMARE - Original Doom map by Tom Hall and John Romero

Z1M5 (MAP17): - Map by Esselfortium - Music by Esselfortium - Based on the KDiZD map by Tormentor667, NiGHTMARE, Risen, and Kirby - Original Doom map by John Romero - Thanks to Antares031 for helping with the teleport trick :)

Z1M6 (MAP18): - Map by Esselfortium, Nuxius, and Butts - Thingplacing by Esselfortium - Music by Jimmy - Based on the KDiZD map by Vader & Nmn - Original Doom map by John Romero

Z1M7 (MAP19): - Map by Esselfortium, Nuxius, and Brinks - Thingplacing by Esselfortium - Music by Jimmy - Based on the KDiZD map by Risen, Tormentor667, Vader, and Graf Zahl - Original Doom map by John Romero

Z1M8 (MAP20): - Map by Esselfortium - Music by Esselfortium - Based on the KDiZD map by Tormentor667 & Vader - Original Doom map by Sandy Petersen and Tom Hall

Z1M9 (MAP31): - Map by Esselfortium - Music by Esselfortium - Based on the KDiZD map by BioHazard, Nmn, Vader, and Tormentor667 - Original Doom map by John Romero

Additional narrative maps by Esselfortium

Project lead: esselfortium KDiKDiZD has had a long and ridiculous history, starting in 2008 as a "wouldn't that be funny?" idea when I was a teenager. It quickly grew into an ambitious exercise in Extreme Doom Masochism, with much- -appreciated map porting assistance from Nuxius and Tun, as well as several other contributors. Around 2011, KDiKDiZD was semi-officially buried, both due to a sudden increase in BTSX activity and due to KDiKDiZD's accumulation of unpleasant compromises and hard-to-track- -down crash bugs that seemed unsolvable. In early 2020 I picked it back up thinking "this is too good to throw away", and then proceeded to Ship-of-Theseus the whole thing anyway, overhauling the maps with experience gained from working on BTSX, and rebuilding the dehacked patch from the ground up using new tools. I hope the result is worth the wait!

Soundtrack by: Jimmy and esselfortium

New sounds by: BouncyTEM and esselfortium

Story by: esselfortium, dew, and Jimmy

Dehacked patch by: esselfortium

Playtesting leads: dew, rd, GarrettChan Huge thanks to all three of you for all the feedback and suggestions (and obscure-bug-hunting), without which this mapset wouldn't be nearly as good.

Additional playtesting and feedback: sink, Marcaek, Nine Inch Heels, CSG, Xaser, Kassman, deathz0r, Vader, Tarnsman, and Antares031

Assets: - KDiZD art by Vader, Nmn, NiGHTMARE, Tormentor667, and Scuba - Additional textures by Esselfortium, Cage, Eriance, Xaser, and Espi - Wargrin and desk chair sprites by Nmn - Soul Reaper sprites by Vader - Suicide Bomber sprites by Mark Quinn, Anthony Cole, and Tormentor667 - Flare Rifle sprites by Fletcher - Stage Light sprites originally by ayoung93 and elend - Dark Caco sprite edit by Tormentor667 - Jackhammer drawn by Scuba, also adapted for vanilla res by Scuba :) - Additional imagery from SchuminWeb via Wikimedia Commons

Tool development and technical support: - RestlessRodent for creating Chocorenderlimits for KDiKDiZD, many moons ago. Thanks for making the vanilla renaissance possible! - Fraggle for DEH9000, Chocolate Doom, and general tech support - Altazimuth for general tech support and Eternity help - Mikolah for the "Mikoportal" concept and the ZScript compat patches - Linguica and Nine Inch Heels for designing a usable vanilla-compatible conveyor belt system using Mikoportals - Zokum for ZokumBSP and general tech support - Andrewj for Visplane Explorer - Dynamo and Kinsie for additional assistance with ZDoom support patching - Eevee for the Doom source code sleuthing for DEH bug troubleshooting
Base: Knee-Deep in ZDoom (kdizd.pk3)
Build time: 2008-2011, 2020-2022
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder X, SLADE, Photoshop, etc
Bugs: Due to voodoo doll shenanigans, you may sometimes become a "zombie" instead of dying.

It is sometimes possible to "bump" a keycard without actually picking it up.

Saving your game in vanilla is not supported, due to the savegame buffer limit. If you're using Chocolate Doom, you can disable the savegame size limit in Chocolate-Setup, or if you're using real vanilla, you can optionally use Doom32 or Doom2+ to extend that limit if you want to save.

Noclipping to activate triggers out-of-order can cause scripts to fail if two or more are using the same voodoo doll.

Camtextures may sometimes display time in a slightly accelerated form from what you are used to. These are premonitions and should be treated as such. Remain mindful of these possible futures.

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