Title: Mano Laikas: A road to Gamzatti
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/manolaik.zip
Size: 3.53 MB
Date: 02/27/16
Author: Nicolas Monti
Description: Well, I'm back. I thought Erkattäññe was my last shot but I wanted to make more maps so here we are. Mano Laikas is a full "classic" Doom2 megawad. Aesthetics are pretty simple, the themes vary from E1, E2, alpha and what I call "heteroclites" and my goal as for Erkattäññe was to make mid sized maps with moderate monster count so they can be completed in 10-15 minutes at best. Also I seem to have developed a style that some praise and some others hate (those who rate my episodes with 0/1 stars and give lame excuses for doing so) and I'm fine with that. You'll find some maps linear and some non linear, some maps with big height differences and some very flat (ressembling the early Id maps / 1994 wads).

This mapset also encourages the use of the rocket launcher (except for the cramped maps) because I didn't want this to become a SSG fest as it usually happens.
Credits: AnonimVio Deadwing rdwpa gaspe scifista42 kmxexii dobu gabu maru Ashstrodamus Salt-Man Z Firedust Superluigieth1 Shanoa Demon of the Well SFoZ911 molten_ rhinoduck WH-Wilou84

For playtesting, pointing out bugs, giving support and valuable criticism, helping to a more polished final version.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 months (30/08/2015 to 11/02/2016) + 2 weeks for testing, first 2.5 months just two maps, last 2.5 months all the rest.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, Slade, Doomword.
Bugs: Some HOM on vanilla in open spaces and visplane overflow on the exit of map11 if you look towards the central area (it's avoidable though)
Rating: (25 votes)

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