Title: Mini-level megawad
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/mlm12.zip
Size: 1.33 MB
Date: 08/25/09
Author: Wim Vanrie
Description: A megawad which was 95% finished two years ago. Never got around to adding the final touches until now. The levels are relatively small, hence the name. Other than that, there's no link between them. Some are horrible, some are good. I had planned to add customized level names, rearrange the soundtracks and some other tidbits but have never done so.
Credits: Doug Merril for some beta-testing
Base: Level 07 is dsrevted.wad exactly. Levels 31 and 32 are based on phtga.wad. The rest is from scratch.
Build time: Several months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Rating: (47 votes)

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