Title: RAY MOHAWK 2: Ray Wreaks Havoc! 20 Vanilla Maps (v1.4 OMEGA FIX)
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/mohawks2.zip
Size: 6.68 MB
Date: 12/14/21
Author: Doomkid & Co.
Description: Ray is BACK and ready for more vanilla-compatible action in the tropics! This is a community project and sequel to my older wad, Ray Mohawk's Manic Monday.


STORY: A year has passed since Ray successfully destroyed the UAC and several of their Nukage production compounds. Soon after Ray completed his mission, the prestigious General Kawasaki, one of the last surviving military leaders on Earth, sought him out and rewarded him with a Medal of Courage for his heroic effort.

As a result of the devastating effects of Nukage around the world, about 80% of humanity has either died or become completely zombified. The remaining population has banded together in an effort to reclaim their cities and hopefully start to rebuild once the remaining bloodthirsty mutants and hellish creatures are wiped out. Maybe the remainder of humanity will even learn a lesson about not abusing resources, if indeed they survive.

Under the auspices of General Kawasaki, Ray has been receiving high-level training with almost every kind of firearm known to man. Equipped with his new set of skills, he has become nothing less than a killing machine! No matter which weapon he uses, he can lay giant crowds of mutants to waste in a matter of seconds.

Ray's current and final assignment is to fight the remaining infected mutants and demonic invaders in his local area, a once-beautiful tropical region consisting of beaches, small towns and old historic ruins. Nukage took its toll on most of Ray's friends and family and changed them from people he loved into hideous monsters, so at this point he wants justice. All uninfected survivors have been evacuated to a safe zone in Japan, so he can now go in guns blazing to help prevent this wave of horror from spreading any further.

Ray misses his old life of surfing and drinking with his friends, but all the chaos he's been through has proven him to be as gifted a soldier as he is a surfer. Can you help him complete his mission and save what's left of humanity?
Credits: 01 - "Back Ashore!" by Doomkid 02 - "Ossuary of the Hula Imps" by MidnightMage 03 - "Beachside Bookworms" by Doomkid 04 - "Surf's up in Nuketown" by Cheesewheel 05 - "11 Holidays" by SilverMiner 06 - "Hidden Ship in Pirate's Cove" by UberGewei 07 - "WARehouse" by WalterC 08 - "Chocolate Island" by Egg Boy 09 - "Temple del Sol" by Moustachio 10 - "Kalua Atoll" by DFF 11 - "Vacation Gone Wrong" by HitBoi 12 - "Beautiful Clean Coal" by Doomkid 13 - "Terraced Estate of Terror" by Gokuma 14 - "Lose Yourself to Dance" by Sluggard 15 - "Crowded House" by NeedHealth 16 - "Pier Pressure" by Noiser 17 - "Poster Boy of Mayhem" by Aurelius & rd 18 - "Mall Rats" by DFF 19 - "Arch-Visland" AKA "Alfonzo Stumbles Bloodied Into a Laundromat and, While Attempting to Hide From a Mob of Feral Donkeys, Unwittingly Finds That One Washer Is a Cloning Device That Turns All of His Copies Into Archviles (ft. Miley Cyrus)" by RonnieJamesDiner & rd 20 - "Ray of Hope" by Scypek Bonus Map 1 - "Trippy Entryway in the Sky?!" by Philnemba Bonus Map 2 - "The Man with the Mohawk" by Peccatum Mihzamiz


RESOURCES: This wad lovingly borrows assets from numerous other beautiful content creators. They are as follows..

- The texture pack comes from the latest version of FreeDoom. - The sprite of Ray's HUD face originally comes from PunkDoom by CiderMan, which was touched up by me with the added shades from BRIT11.wad. - The Pistol, Shotgun and Auto-Shotgun sprites were taken from Immoral Conduct by Cory Whittle. Auto-SG was further modified by Noiser. - The Knife sprite was created by aeea7835. - The Gauntlets were taken from Heretic and modified by me. - The Blaster comes from Dark Forces, but I'm using a further modified version from BLUDBATH.wad. - The Flamethrower and BFG9002 sprites come from Obituary by The Innocent Crew. - The Cell Cannon comes from Dark Forces, but I'm using a further modified version from 2DMMAPS.wad. - The Hula Imps were created by Seth Stanton and Joe Seifert. - The Shades Zombieman was created by Paul and modified by me. - Slyor comes from the default Skulltag skins. - The WolfSS sprite comes from Kick Attack!. - Some random props and decor come from FISTFUL3.wad, VACAV15.wad and Alpha Doom.


TESTERS & OTHER HELP: I want to give a big thank you to the following for help with testing and other bits and pieces..

Azure_Horror, rd, Noiser, Scypek2, Gez, Lol 6, DGA, FrancisT218, Sloth Marine, SilverMiner, Peccatum Mihzamiz, and everyone else who tested, posted in the thread, or helped with development in any way at all. Thank you so much!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 7 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Slade, DoomWriter, and a bunch of the other usual suspects
Bugs: Please report any if you find them!

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