Title: Realm of Chaos: 25th Anniversary Edition
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/roc25.zip
Size: 3.44 MB
Date: 05/12/24
Author: Remaster by Cammy; original by The Macintosh Team
Description: Realm of Chaos returns! This megawad remasters the '96 original, giving it fresh new lighting, clearer progression, improved visuals, and beefier action. It comes pre-packaged with the custom sprites that were relegated to a side-wad in the original, and is scored by an all-new bespoke soundtrack. Made and released with the approval of the original developers. TMT forever!
Credits: Clint Sago, Rob Berkowitz, Steve Duff, Antoni Chan, Slava Pestov, Jim Bagrow, and Jason Fowler: The original TMT! Steve Duff: Much guidance, advice, and patience Michael Jensen: Essential level testing Doomkid: Vanilla compatibility help Jaws in Space: STBAR NightFright: Widescreen STBAR, sprite fixes Obsidian: DeHacked help Lippeth: Music and DOS testing Tristan Clark: E3 sky fix Plums: SKINFACE fix, vertical sky tiling ChopBlock223: SKSNAKE fix July 2013 DWMegawad Club participants New/Fixed textures from TNT2, CC4, and Jimmytex Decorative IoS from HavoX and lostres Everyone else who's commented or shown support!
Base: RlmChaos.wad
Build time: ~6 months (original), long enough to be more
Editor(s) used: Hellmaker, Deimos, WADCompositor (original);
Bugs: There may be visplane overflows in certain

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