Title: Scientist 2
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/sci2.zip
Size: 4.08 MB
Date: 10/15/05
Author: Scientist
Description: Made for "vanilla" doom2.exe and includes: -20 single player maps (map01 upto 20 = all 11 maps from sci.wad + 9 new maps), -10 bonus deathmatch maps (map21-30) -some new textures and sprites including some weapons and a renewed scientist sprite.
Credits: Ocean's Edge for 3 music tracks
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Maps 1-11 somewhere between 1998 and 2002. Maps 12-32 somewhere between 2002 and 2005.
Editor(s) used: DEU2 v 1.00, idE v 1.0, DCK v 3.0, NWT v 1.3, Deusf/Deutex v 3.6, WhackEd2 v 0.60, Doombuilder (recommended), XWE (recommended) and DeHackEd v3.1. (These programs can all be found on http://www.doomworld.com)
Bugs: The crossbow messes up in ZDaemon, which can be fixed. See Note 5 at the Note chapter (bottom).
Rating: (61 votes)

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