Title: Scythe
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/scythe.zip
Size: 1.99 MB
Date: 04/10/03
Author: Erik Alm, with guest mapper Kim "Torn" Bach
Description: A 32 level megawad for doom2. This megawad doesn't have perfect texture alignment, insane detail and fantasticly hard gameplay. Instead it focuses on small fun maps to blast through without much thought about defense. The difficulty rises steadily as you go through the maps and the last few should challenge even the best.
Credits: id software, Fredrik Johansson (textures), ZarcyB (titlepic) Chris "Ryback" Ratcliff (map30 idea). Drew "stx-Vile" Dewore (testing) All other testers too, thanks!
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: 25 days of building, 25 days of slacking off.
Editor(s) used: Deth, Warm, Deutex
Bugs: Texture alignment bugs. Map28 uses a voodoo doll effect which will not work in legacy, the map is still completable though.
Rating: (407 votes)

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