Title: |
TNT Goes Boom! |
Filename: |
levels/doom2/megawads/tntgb.zip |
Size: |
2.71 MB |
Date: |
10/29/23 |
Author: |
The_SloVinator aka DooMinator |
Description: |
TNT Goes Boom! started off as a personal challenge to create a full 32 map megawad with TNT Evilution aesthetics slapped into each of the map.
At one point, I was pretty sure I'd give up easily on this project due to enormous amount of work for a solo mapper but I kept going, even during periods of procrastination, so I've finally made it & I couldn't be happier.
Hope you all enjoy it! (this package also contains wide hud support created by Nightfright for higher resolution support, so you won't see those ugly brick textures) |
Credits: |
id software, teamtnt, P41r47 (hud & titlepic), Nightfright (wide screen hud), all the playtesters |
Base: |
New from scratch |
Build time: |
3 years & 5 months |
Editor(s) used: |
SLADE, GZBuilder, WhackEd4, paint.net, Doom text generator site |
Bugs: |
Map 20 might have an odd 'slimetrail'esque bug with the partially invisible wall blocking one part of the map. (outdoor water area with Arachotrons) This only happens on Chocolate Doom, if I'm not mistaken.
As a result, I made sure player won't get potentially softlocked (which never happened to me but nonetheless, I made sure it actually NEVER happens).
So, no worries. |
Rating: |
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