Title: Vigor
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/vigor.zip
Size: 1.94 MB
Date: 03/13/22
Author: Bobby (lolmcswagger), DCG Retrowave, Egg Boy, Juza, mxbobbie49, Skronkidonk, T.WILL, ZeMystic
Description: Vigor is a vanilla compatible megawad with a focus on fast and frantic gameplay. Inspired by E.M's "Gotta Go Fast," Vigor is Scythe styled by design, a good number of the maps on display were made within a short period of time and feature tight, punchy gameplay.
Credits: Cage, Daniel, Erik Alm, Esselfortium, Eternal, Mechadon, Xaser
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 8 months, on and off
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE 3, Doom Text Generator, Photoshop

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