Title: PC_WOLF, A Wolfenstein classic
Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/pc_wolf.zip
Size: 167.08 KB
Date: 05/18/99
Author: Paul Corfiatis, Joe Corfiatis
Description: A six level Wolfenstein pack for Doom2. It contains 2 of my earlier unreleased Wolfenstein levels and 4 of My younger Brother's best levels. These levels are full of Nazi's health. Nice to get some all new Wolfenstein pumping into Doom2.
Credits: id for Doom2 and all other editor authors.
Base: Compilation of older wads Build Time

Editor(s) used Doomcad 5.1, 6.1, BSP 1.2X, BSP 3.0

Known Bugs Texture misalignments in some levels.
Build time: Editor(s) used Doomcad 5.1, 6.1, BSP 1.2X, BSP 3.0

Known Bugs Texture misalignments in some levels.
Editor(s) used: Doomcad 5.1, 6.1, BSP 1.2X, BSP 3.0

Known Bugs Texture misalignments in some levels.
Bugs: Texture misalignments in some levels.
Rating: (11 votes)

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it's okay, I really like the map01 and its music. the other stuff is okay, but not memorable. I think map04 is cool. Used custom monsters for this one. Tis okay. Guess wolfensteinss is a bit lacking than doom for some reason. ~2/5x
very good id love 2 c more added 2 it tho 4/5x
AGH WTF at the music. You're better off playing Laz' sets than this.x
To start off, the first 4 maps were a bit easy(even on UV) but map5 turn into a tricky bastard after nearly getting killed by the Cyberdemon, using up all plasma ammo but was able to kill it with the SSG. Map6 was also a bit easy but a decent last map in this map set. Out of all the 6 maps,map5 is my favorite in this bunch. 4/5-Philnembax
Im useing the 2nd encounter mega wad as to build off of as to make another mega wad which I will call the 3rd encounter. (I'm talking about Wolfenstien of course.) But by the way your maps were very fun to play and infact gave me some ideas. ***** x
not bad, fun mapsx

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